Timber Framing Workshops
Here are all the upcoming timber framing workshops. Come participate in an intense, project based teaching experience, learning traditional Japanese timber framing techniques. For other options check out whole schedule of courses.
Join us for a unique experience melding the practice of Zen and Japanese Woodworking, training your whole self for two intensive weeks at the Chozen-ji Zen temple in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii. Students will participate in a rigorous program of Zen meditation and woodworking training learning the fundamentals of Japanese tools and constructing a small timber-frame structure.
During this six day workshop, students will learn to cut and raise a simple garden shed frame that employs traditional Japanese timber framing techniques. An enclosed area to store the various items for the garden and yard, and a sheltered, open area for the mower. A flexible structure that could easily be versioned into a greenhouse with changes to the roof, or a chicken coup with changes to the walls.
Come spend the beginning of a wonderful summer at New Sky Ranch in southern Colorado and learn the fundamentals of Japanese Woodworking and Timber Framing. During this 8 day workshop, students will receive training in chisel set up, sharpening techniques, sawing with hand and power tools and joinery cutting. We will work together to cut and raise the frame, walls, and roof for a wood fired sauna. With luck we'll get it built "enough" to relax insite after the hard but rewarding work.
Participate in a full immersion in the construction and raising of a Japanese timber frame. Students will learn and gain practice cutting different joints and assembling a building to house a traditional Japanese blacksmith forge.
Join Jeff Bearce of 3 Sticks Design as we learn about the design and execution of Japanese carpentry. A full immersion in the construction and raising of a timber frame gate. Students will learn and gain practice cutting different joints, hand planing the finished pieces and assembling the structure.